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Tribute to our 'Jilly Beans'

It is with a sad heart that we had to say goodbye to a very much loved member of our Orange Vet Hospital team last month.

‘Jill’ or ‘Jilly Beans’, as she was affectionately known to staff, was one of our blood donor greyhounds living onsite with us. In the years that Jill was with us she saved countless lives. Her quiet demeanour and beautiful nature allowed us to rely on her numerous times, at all hours of the day and night.  

Blood donation and transfusion is a vital component in the treatment of dogs that are victims of trauma, poisonings, auto-immune disease or bleeding disorders. We would like to the time to acknowledge the important contribution that our blood donors make in this very important aspect of our work.

‘Rumour' is now joined by ‘Rosie’ to continue providing this vital service to our veterinary hospital. 

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Contents of this newsletter

01  The dreaded Grass Seed

02  Heart health 101

03  A healthy mouth for a happy heart

04  What's your pet's SRR?

05  Six signs your cat loves you

06  High blood pressure

01 The dreaded Grass Seed
Kimba grass seeds Jan18

Kimba, the newfoundland, chilling out while our nurses work on removing grass seeds from her paws.

It's summer and one of the common conditions we see in dogs at this time of year is grass seed infection.

Why are grass seeds an issue in animals?

  • They have a pointed end that will embed into the skin
  • They have an “awn” that fans out which makes it near impossible for it to move backwards (out of the skin)
  • The body generally cannot break these seeds down therefore, require removal
  • If not removed seeds will migrate and cause an infection as they travel

What do grass seeds affect?

Grass seeds can affect all areas of your pet depending on how long the grass seed has been in the body.  Generally speaking they can be seen on paws, in ears, eyes, nose, vulva, the skin and even the penis.

In more serious cases, including one patient we had recently, it can affect the lungs and spine.  Both can cause life threating conditions including a pyothorax (where the chest cavity is filled with infected fluid)

How do I know if my pet has a grass seed and what issues can it cause?

Clinical signs may differ depending on which area is affected but usually

  • Ears -  head shaking, redness, holding head to one side
  • Eyes – swollen or red eye, excessive tears, rubbing at eye
  • Paws – licking of feet, red swollen area between toes, limping
  • Skin – licking, swollen red lump, grass seed awn sticking out
  • Vulva/penis – licking/redness at site, blood in urine, difficulty urinating

What if I suspect a grass seed in my pet?

  • You should see your Veterinarian as soon as possible. Most grass seed infections will require sedation or a general anaesthetic as they can be quite painful to remove

Can I prevent grass seed problems?

  • The best way to avoid grass seed issues is a DAILY check over/BRUSH of your animal.  Especially check between toes
  • Avoid long grasses or place a protective vest on dog
  • Long haired dogs can be clipped, long hair in between paws should also be trimmed
  • Grass seed seen can gently be removed with tweezers

Thank you Vet Nurse Amber for compiling this article.

02 Heart health 101

Heart disease sneaks up on our pets and most of the time it isn't until your cat or dog is in heart failure that physical changes are visible.

Signs of heart disease are generally related to a reduced function of the heart. The heart has to work harder and harder over time and without treatment the heart starts to fail.

Regular check ups allow us to detect any changes in the heart. On examination, we may hear a murmur (abnormal blood flow) or an arrhythmia (irregular rhythm). These may be reason for us to perform more tests such as x-rays, ultrasound and an ECG.

Being able to recognise some of the early signs of heart disease at home can also make a big difference to your pet. This allows early medical intervention and can help give your pet the best opportunity for a longer and healthier life.

Signs of heart disease to look out for at home:

  1. Coughing, especially at night or after lying down
  2. Laboured or fast breathing (an increased SRR - see article below)
  3. A reluctance to exercise and tiring more easily on walks
  4. An enlarged abdomen
  5. Weight loss or poor appetite
  6. Weakness or fainting associated with exercise

The good news is that there are a wide range of medications available to help a pet suffering from heart disease. These can keep the heart disease under control and help your pet live a longer and near normal life.

If you think your pet might have a problem with their heart, call us to arrange a check up today.


03 A healthy mouth for a happy heart
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Did you know that improving the condition of your pet's teeth could lead to a healthier heart?

This is because there is plenty of evidence that dental disease is linked to heart disease. Here's how it works...

Plaque and tartar that build up on the teeth lead to infection of the gums. Bacteria from this infection travel in the blood stream around the body and can cause infection in the heart. This commonly occurs in the heart's lining and valves and is known as endocarditis.

And it's not just the heart that can be impacted by an unhealthy mouth. The kidneys, liver and lungs are also at risk.

The good news is that many of these problems can be reversed if dental disease is resolved and dental hygiene is improved.

Top tips to prevent dental disease:

1. Get your pet's mouth checked regularly by us - we are here to pick up on problems early.

2. Get your pet eating the correct diet. A premium quality dry diet is essential for good oral health. There are some excellent dental diets available and they really work so ask us for the best recommendation.

3. Brush your pet's teeth. This is considered gold standard - be sure to use a pet approved toothpaste. Ask us for more information.

4. Lift the lip and have a smell. If you notice any yellowing of the teeth or redness of the gums OR your pet's breath is a bit smelly, it is time for a check up.

We recommend a dental check up at least once a year. Regular checks protect your pet's overall health and can be life saving!

04 What's your pet's SRR?

SRR is an acronym for your pet's sleeping respiratory rate. The SRR is a very powerful tool that you, the pet owner can undertake in your own home. It can help detect the onset of/or improve the monitoring of left sided congestive heart failure (CHF) in both dogs and cats.

Many of the common heart diseases lead to left sided congestive heart failure. When pressure in the top left heart chamber increases and blood backs up into vessels within the lung, it results in blood accumulating in the lungs. This fluid, referred to as pulmonary oedema, causes an increase in your pet's respiratory rate. 

How do you monitor sleeping respiratory rate?

  • The measurement should be done when your pet is asleep in a normal environment (not too cold, not too hot). 
  • Repeat the measurement over 2-3 days (to get a baseline variation), and then ongoing monitoring should happen once or twice a week.
  • Normal SRR in dogs and cats is less than 30 breaths per minute, often in the high teens or low 20s. 

When to seek veterinary advice?

If your pet has an underlying heart disease and their SRR is consistently greater than 30 breaths per minute, your pet could be developing congestive heart failure and you should seek veterinary advice as soon as possible.

It's important to note that an elevated SRR can sometimes be caused by high blood pressure, anaemia, pneumonia, heat stress or a fever so a veterinary check up is always warranted. 

If you are ever worried about your pet you should ask us for advice. 

05 Six signs your cat loves you

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, it's a good time to talk about love. Have you ever wondered if your cat loves you? 

Here's a cute 'Simon's Cat' video that perfectly highlights six signs your cat really loves you!

Check it out on YouTube here

06 High blood pressure

For some pets, measuring their blood pressure is essential for a more thorough veterinary examination. An elevation in blood pressure (or hypertension) can indicate an underlying disease and if left undetected, can cause damage to organs and in some cases, be life threatening.

Blood pressure is the force created by the blood flowing through the body's blood vessels. An increase in resistance in these vessels can cause an increase in blood pressure. This increased resistance is generally caused by an underlying disease.

Cats often develop high blood pressure secondary to diseases such as hyperthyroidism or kidney disease while dogs may suffer from high blood pressure secondary to endocrine diseases such as Cushing's disease.

Your pet's blood pressure will usually be measured using a fancy piece of equipment (such as a doppler). It is essential that the correct size cuff is used on your pet's leg or tail for accurate results. Multiple measurements will also need to be taken to achieve an average reading.

As stress can affect the readings, measuring blood pressure in a veterinary consult can sometimes be difficult! An elevation of blood pressure due to stress is often referred to as 'white coat syndrome' and it is therefore important that we take things slowly during the measurement process.

If your pet is diagnosed with high blood pressure it is essential that the underlying disease is treated. Repeat blood pressure measurements may be required every 1-3 months depending on the response to treatment.

In some cases, it may be necessary to give your pet medication to help lower their blood pressure and reduce any potential side effects associated with the hypertension. 

You should always ask us if you are worried or have any concerns about your pet, we are always here to help and will be able to give you the most up to date information.