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Easter is only weeks away and falls the first weekend in April so we thought we should let you know our Easter Trading Hours in this March Newsletter. 

We are closed for the Public Holidays during this period except Easter Saturday when we will be open for normal Saturday hours. 

Good Friday - CLOSED

Easter Saturday - OPEN 8.30-12 midday

Easter Monday - CLOSED

We do have a vet on call for our clients after hours for emergencies that may occur outside normal trading hours. Please call 63618388. 

gracie easter

A fun photo shot (courtesy sarahbeth photography) for Easter - enter your best picture of your pet in Easter pose via our facebook page or email to win a treat for you and your pet. Remember dogs and chocolate do not mix!

Contents of this newsletter

01  Injured Native Wildlife-how you can help

02  Mind your manners

03  Destructive dogs

04  Sharpen those claws

05  Training tips

06  Overcoming cat carrier stress

01 Injured Native Wildlife-how you can help

Amber, our registered Wires carer, feeding an orphan joey.

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Every day we see injured or dead wildlife on roads, parks or properties and few people know what to do with these animals.

Orange Vet Hospital supports WIRES (Wildlife Information Rescue and Education Service) and we have a qualified WIRES carer on staff. 

Kangaroos, wallabies, wombats, birds and tortoises are some of the most common animals we see on the side of the road either injured or dead.

If you happen to see an injured animal please approach them calmly and quietly if it is safe to do so being very aware of oncoming traffic.  The animal is still likely to attempt to get away.  Blankets and towels are fantastic to keep in your car to place over the animals head or body in order to secure and calm them; once contained we encourage you to contact WIRES or bring into Orange Vet Hospital.

Birds should always be contained in a box and kept in a dark quiet area (as they are easily stressed  and can suffer cardiac arrest if not treated appropriately).

If the animal is dead and it is safe to do so move it off the road into the ditch. This helps protect other native wildlife, e.g. Wedge Tails, that feed on the carcase and protects other motorists as well.  Once the animal is moved off the road PLEASE check the pouch for a joey as they can live inside for up to 5 days after the mother has died.

A live joey can be gently removed from the pouch and placed inside an inverted jumper or wrapped in a towel.  It will probably be very stressed so keep it warm, dark and quiet.  If you can contact WIRES or bring into Orange Vet Hospital as soon as you can it will be the best thing for the little joey.

Once an animal is brought into our clinic our veterinarians will assess any injuries, give appropriate treatment and contact a WIRES carer who, in turn, will take over the ongoing treatment or care until they are ready to be released back to the wild.

These animals need specialised care and should only be raised by trained and licensed wildlife carers. It is illegal to care for wildlife without a licence.

You can contact WIRES at 1300 094 737 or download the WIRES rescue app

You can contact Orange Vet Hospital at (02) 6361 8388

02 Mind your manners

March is Polite Pets Month so there's never been a better time to get your pet to mind his manners!

Polite Pets Month aims to raise awareness among pet owners about pet training and pet behaviour issues.

So if you own a mischievous mutt or a crazy kitty, now's the time to ask for help. 

For specific advice about pet behaviour, we recommend you make an appointment with us to discuss the problem. Many people are surprised that behavioural problems are often caused by an underlying medical condition.

For example, a suddenly aggressive dog may be suffering from arthritic pain or a cat that is urinating outside of his litter box may in fact have underlying urinary tract disease. 

We also have lots of tools up our sleeve to help with behavioural issues - such as pheromone diffusers that can help your pet feel more relaxed. 

Phone us today - we can help your pet be on his best behaviour (perhaps not quite as good as Jesse the dog in this video).

03 Destructive dogs

Dogs are social creatures and they form strong bonds with people. Having a furry best friend is, without doubt, the greatest thing in the world, but it is not uncommon for your pooch to feel anxious when they are separated from you.

Most dogs will adapt well to daily separation from their owners but unfortunately some dogs will become very distressed and even destructive, a problem known as separation anxiety.

Signs of separation anxiety include:

  • Barking, howling
  • Excessive chewing, digging and pacing
  • Destruction and scratching of barriers - near doors and windows
  • House soiling

In some cases dogs can seriously injure themselves and may severely destroy property. It can also be a very distressing problem for owners.

Tips to help reduce your dog’s anxiety:

  • Take your dog for a walk before you leave the house
  • Don’t make a huge fuss when you leave your dog or when you return
  • Start small - leave your dog alone for only five minutes extending to twenty minutes then an hour, then longer
  • Leave your dog with plenty of stimulating toys, chews and mind games


Please don't hesitate to speak to us if you think your dog is developing separation problems. We will be able to work with you to improve the situation. 

04 Sharpen those claws

Cats love a good scratch. Not only is it a good form of exercise but they get to sharpen their claws. Scratching also helps them to leave scent markers or a "calling card."

Unfortunately, some cats choose to sharpen their claws on furniture and think that the back of the sofa is just one giant scratching post. Obviously their interior decorating is not always desirable!  

What to do if your cat is damaging furniture:

  • Place a scratching post right next to the furniture the cat is currently scratching
  • Praise and offer food rewards whenever your cat scratches her scratching post
  • Try offering a variety of scratching substrates; don’t offer just one carpeted scratching post - think cardboard, logs of wood
  • Deter the cat from scratching furniture by placing double-sided sticky tape on it. Many cats find the stickiness of the tape unpleasant

If you’ve tried all these recommendations and your cat is still “redecorating”, ask us for help. 

05 Training tips

If you have just brought home a new puppy, kitten or rescue pet, training should begin straight away. It is easy for a dog or cat to pick up bad habits quickly, especially when they are settling in. If you let your puppy sleep in your bed initially, this is where he will expect to sleep for the rest of his life and it may not be as fun when he grows to be a hairy, slobbering 20kg adult dog!

Make sure you decide on a few ground rules early and stick to them. Short training sessions (up to five minutes) create routine and stimulate your pet’s brain.

Here are a few things to remember:

  • Be consistent
  • Always reward your pet when he is doing the right thing
  • Dogs in particular learn by positive re-inforcement; use treats, pats and a positive voice as a reward
  • Ignore any undesirable behaviour

Puppy Pre School is an excellent opportunity for your pup to learn some basic manners but, most importantly, socialise with other dogs his own age. Your puppy will gain confidence with different doggy personalities making visits to the park in the future much more enjoyable.

Kittens and cats need lots of stimulation so providing a range of toys is important. Scratching posts and climbing poles are also an excellent source of entertainment. Or you could build your cat the ultimate maze!

06 Overcoming cat carrier stress

Getting your cat into a carrier can be a very stressful event and can put you off taking your cat to the vet.

In your cat's mind, nothing good really follows being shoved into a carrier. Dogs leave the house for pleasurable walks but cats are invariably taken somewhere a lot less exciting (i.e to see us!). 

Cats should be secured in the car, not just for their safety but also yours. 

Some tips for reducing cat carrier stress:

  1. Store the carrier in a part of your house that smells like home (not with moth balls or in the dusty garage). Give your cat the chance to rub her scent on the carrier.
  2. Get your cat to associate the carrier with good things. Place food in the carrier or special treats. Close the door for a few minutes while she’s inside. Then use the same process when a trip to the vet is on the cards.
  3. Cats are smart (“Hmmm, why does my owner have her car keys in her hand? That’s it, I’m outta here!”) so vary your cues and mix up your routine.
  4. Bring a towel that smells like home to cover the carrier when you arrive here. Also - don't put the carrier down near a strange dog - it instantly creates stress.
  5.  Ask us about Feliway pheromone spray to help your cat feel more secure and safe while in the carrier

We will happily recommend the best carrier for your cat - ask us for advice.